/ Key Initiatives / Skills & Employment / Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework 2021 Refresh

The Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework has been refreshed for 2021, building on the previous Strategic Framework which spanned 2016-2021. 

The Framework (2MB PDF) is underpinned by an evidence base and was developed in consultation with stakeholder including employers, schools, colleges, universities, private training providers and the third sector.

The Framework is structured into 4 themes: Future Workforce, Skilled & Productive Workforce, Inclusive Workforce and An Informed Approach and articulates the skills and employment priorities for Lancashire.

The Framework informs and underpins the investment decisions made in relation to discretionary funding (for example, ESIF funding and Growth Deal Skills Capital) and influences the use of mainstream skills and employment budgets. Stakeholders making use of these budgets in Lancashire are invited to set out how their delivery will contribute to achieving the Framework’s priorities.

In delivering the strategic priorities, the LEP’s Skills and Employment Board and other strategic partners also work with employers to leverage greater levels of employer engagement and investment in key areas.

To find out more about us, the activity that is underway and what support is available please visit the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub website

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