/ Key Initiatives / Sectors / Digital

The Lancashire Enterprise Partnership’s Digital Strategy outlines our vision for the county as a globally significant hub of technological and digital innovation. It also places the digital industries at the heart of the LEP’s economic growth ambitions for Lancashire, with the aim of being the UK’s fastest-growing digital economy by 2035.

View digital strategy here

The document covers all sections of the county’s technology and digital ecosystem. This includes our existing and emerging sector strengths, our significant industry R&D assets, and our world-class academic expertise. It further outlines the challenges we face around issues like skills, inclusivity, infrastructure and investment.      

In addition, the Digital Strategy acknowledges that Lancashire cannot fulfil its full digital economy potential without working closely with local partners, businesses, and other key stakeholders. As part of this collaborative approach, the LEP is establishing several Task and Finish groups to help us take the strategy forward: 

  • Developing the digital ecosystem
  • Business growth and investment
  • Transforming digital skills and talent
  • Identity, marketing and promotion

If you are interested in joining one of these groups, or want to find out more about our work within the digital space, please email martine.winder@lancashirelep.co.uk   


Resources Lancashire Digital Strategy Read next European Structural Funds