At the heart of the 10-year programme is a focus on five specific internationalisation pillars: Exports, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Capital Investments, Innovation, and the Visitor Economy. These pillars have been used to benchmark and assess how the county’s existing and emerging sector strengths, key assets and resources relate to current global trends and anticipated international demand.
This analysis has then informed a suite of short, medium and long-term actions which are designed to make Lancashire’s economy more globally active, internationally competitive, and generate more overseas investment.
Many of the opportunities highlighted are directly linked to Lancashire’s core industrial sectors. These include aerospace and advanced manufacturing, energy and low carbon technologies, food production, tourism, and the digital industries. In addition, the strategy identifies global growth potential in a range of emerging markets, such as cybersecurity and defence, future mobility, and health Innovation.
For each key sector – and for each of the five pillars – there is extensive qualitative and quantitative evidence which underpins the report’s strategic recommendations. This includes the results of extensive consultations with Lancashire business owners and other stakeholder, global market intelligence, competitor analysis, and trend modelling, which is pertinent to the Lancashire economy.
Head to for more details on international trade services available along with events and case studies.