/ News / Lancashire Enterprise Partnership seeks new Chair

Lancashire Enterprise Partnership is looking for a collaborative business leader to chair the LEP Board and build on the exciting initiatives already in place.

The new Chair you will also lead the LEP’s response to the economic impact of the pandemic, building back stronger through investment in skills and business support, and supporting the local economy to create thousands more jobs, boosting the economic performance across our whole county.

Already recognised as a successful business leader, the Chair will have the commercial acumen, board level experience, and strategic leadership skills that will create confidence with public and private sector partners. This combined with a strong knowledge of Lancashire and the north-west business environment will also give the successful candidate the credibility to represent the area at a regional and national level.

The new Chair will be expected to contribute around 2 days per week to the role over a 3-year term (with the option to extend for a maximum of a further 3-year term). The position is remunerated (plus reasonable expenses).

The LEP has appointed leading executive recruiters Penna to lead the hunt. To arrange an informal discussion, you are invited to contact Claudia Sousa on 07763 580368/ claudia.sousa@penna.com or Roger Russell, on 07710 701570 roger.russell@penna.com at Penna Enterprise.

A full candidate information pack is available online and can be obtained from https://execroles.penna.com/

Applications close on Friday 7 May 2021.

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