The Lancashire Innovation Board is being established following the adoption of the Lancashire Innovation Plan in 2017, as a sub-board of the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership which is a public-private partnership responsible for Economic Development across Lancashire.
We are seeking representatives from a number of areas to join the panel to contribute to the development of strategy and planning, accountability for the current Lancashire Innovation Plan and for the future Lancashire Industrial Strategy.
The board will meet approximately four times a year, with optional additional task and finish sub-groups.
We are looking for members who can represent the themes and types of organisations / sectors below, and who will bring senior, strategic insights into the needs and priorities of these groups:
Start-up, Micro & SME business
Health & Life-Sciences (SME / Corporate / HEI)
Energy & Environment (SME / Corporate / HEI)
Manufacturing & Construction (SME / Corporate / HEI)
Digital & Creative (SME / Corporate / HEI)
Professional & Services (SME / Corporate)
Open (Trade Body / other)
Representation will also include a Chair & Deputy Chair (both from the main LEP board), the Local Authority, UKRI, universities and research councils.
As the government requires LEPs to improve gender balance and representation of those with protected characteristics on all boards and sub-boards, we would especially welcome expressions of interest from women and those with protected characteristics.
To put forward your interest, please email a CV and a statement of interest outlining the added value that you can bring to the board and experience in supporting strategic boards and committees, to Maya Ellis,
For an informal discussion please contact Maya Ellis, on who will arrange introductions to relevant stakeholders.
For information about the Lancashire Innovation Plan please visit: and for information about the LEP see: